Defoaming Solutions for Your Brewery

Brewery Defoamer for the Perfect Foam
Do you have a foaming problem in your brewing business? Are you needing to get it under control at a good price performance point and most importantly, ensuring you maintain the quality of your beer?
Our food grade defoamer is perfect for you! It is an essential piece of your product recipe to ensure that the foam delivered in your beer is just perfect. Not too little, and not too much!
If you are finding that your foaming problem is leading to problems at the fermenting or bottling stages or even if you are not happy with the final quality of your product, then get in touch.
We provide foaming solutions to breweries across Australia with a high-quality food-grade product range that is particularly used by craft breweries and large-scale brewing operations.
Foam can be a problem for Brewers at a couple of stages during the beer making process:
1. during fermentation to prevent boilovers
2. at the bottling stage
How Does Mera Defoamer for Breweries work?
Our defoaming product suitable for breweries is a silicone based defoamer that works by reducing the surface tension of the wort. Silicone-based antifoaming solutions are removed during the filtration process and do not remain in the finished beer product. They have no impact on the taste.
The benefits of using a Mera defoamer are:
> Prevent boilovers during fermentation
> Improve clarity of finished beer
> Reduces the amount of time spent cleaning equipment
> Easy to use – just add to the wort before fermentation
To find out more about our Australian made defoaming solutions for breweries, get in touch. Request a data sheet or product samples to try for yourself.